Supply Chain Law
Since January 2023 German companies (with 3,000 or more employees) have to monitor their supply chains more strictly and fulfill comprehensive due diligence obligations. The Supply Chain Due Diligence Law (Supply Chain Law) is in place. We have actively supported its introduction (see here). Why? Only if all companies produce their products according to the same rules regarding human rights and the environment, sustainability and fairness can enter the supply chain. For 17 years we have been transforming Tchibo in the direction of sustainability. Our insight: voluntary commitment is nice, but for real change to happen, we need a level playing field for everyone! The Supply Chain Law is a good basis for advancing human rights as well as environmental and climate protection in the German economy.
The human rights officers are Johanna von Stechow und Pablo von Waldenfels who jointly manage the corporate responsibility department. They are responsible for the implementation of the supply chain law and human rights policy within the company, monitor human rights risks and report on it to the board.
If you want to learn more about our human rights officers, listen to our podcast.

The information regarding the implementation of the Supply Chain Act is compiled here.
In case you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us via
The policy statement on human rights and environmental responsibility can be found here:
How our grievance mechanism with regard to
human rights and environment works is described here:
Our Supplier Code of Conduct sets out the requirements that our suppliers must meet.
See here: