

Statement on the EU Commission's proposals for CSDDD


With the Omnibus procedure, the EU aims to reduce bureaucracy by harmonizing sustainability laws and simplifying requirements. For our positioning, read the interview with Johana von Stechow and Pablo von Waldenfels, both Directors of Corporate Responsibility at Tchibo, on the blog.

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On the occasion of today's Global Recycling Day: On the recyclability of our packaging


Our goal: 100%! In the non-food sector, we are already consistently achieving over 98%. Regarding coffee packaging, our goal is to convert all coffee packaging under the Tchibo brand in the DACH region to recyclable by 2025, and in the rest of our business area by 2027.

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Podcast "Tchibo & Donations: About giving and taking"


This podcast episode focuses on donations and sponsorship at Tchibo. It explores Tchibo's role in social engagement and its collaboration with selected organizations such as Hamburger Tafel, Hanseatic Help, and the German Red Cross.

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Tchibo @ UmweltDialog: Interview about our coffee program


The Tchibo coffee program aims to help coffee farmers advance economically and make them more resilient to climate change and other crises. Pablo von Waldenfels explains how this works in an interview with UmweltDialog. Click here for the interview - Part 1. Source: UmweltDialog

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Local, circular, innovative, created with customers


Circularity already begins with design and product development. In a co-creation workshop with customers from our TchiboCard community, it was all about a circular lamp. It should be modular, repairable and recyclable, designed in line with the "Circular Design" guidelines.

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It's good to have a choice. Even better to use it!


We are committed to humanity, democracy and fair coexistence. Let's take a stand together. Go vote! #TogetherforDemocracy #Bundestagelection #Elections2025


Podcast "5 Tassen täglich": Reduce your CO2 footprint with train & frying fat?


Our goods often travel thousands of kilometers - an enormous potential for CO2 savings and environmental optimization. In the new podcast episode, Barbara and Peter from Tchibo Logistics provide insights into challenges and solutions for green logistics.

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Non Food

Tchibo x VLACE: The Coffee Lover Sneaker sets an example in terms of sustainability and responsibility


Vegan without animal leather, innovative, with recycled materials & real Tchibo coffee produced under fair conditions in Portugal: For production, coffee leftovers from the Tchibo roasters are incorporated into the upper material.

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Tchibo @ OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the garment and footwear sector 


We are part of OECD session "Union and worker engagement in practice - a workshop" on Feb 12, 2025. This roundtable brings together companies and trade unions representatives to discuss and promote a common understanding of engagement expectations under the Garment Guidance.

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Tchibo as part of International Coffee Partners (ICP) | Review 2024


As part of ICP, we’re happy to share that 23,389 farming households participated in ICP projects last year in 2024! The ICP mission: Driving lasting change by partnering with smallholder coffee farmer families, communities, and the entire coffee sector.

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Tchibo @ MOVE on 03./04. Juni in Berlin


Corporate podcast to make sustainability topics more tangible? How audible are sustainability topics? In June, Sandra and Karina are at #move25, the conference for sustainability communication, to present our Tchibo podcast “5 Tassen täglich”.

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Renewal commitments to World Coffee Research (WCR)


We at Tchibo, together with other member companies, have renewed our commitments to World Coffee Research (WCR) to shape the future of coffee, as investment in coffee breeding and seed systems are essential for origin diversity, sector growth, and climate resilience.
Photo: WCR

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Tchibo @ OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector


Tchibo is co-hosting the side session Humanizing HRDD: Building a Bridge Between Systems and the People they are Meant to Serve on February 13, 2025, together with the WE program. Click here to register and join the digital Zoom webinar!

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Interview: "Data creates understanding"


Pablo von Waldenfels speaks for Tchibo in the Lebensmittel Zeitung (LZ) about data, tracking, traceability and AI in the supply chain. The article is available digitally and in the print edition 3 from January 17, 2025.
Photo: Print Layout Lebensmittel Zeitung

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Upcycling instead of disposal: Our reusable shipping bags now in a new format!


26,000 reusable shippings bags were used for our online shipping pilot project. From defective bags, our partners at Bridge & Tunnel have sewn small upcycling bags. On this way, they can be used again and are practical companions in everyday life, e.g. for pens, cables, etc.

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Interview: Green logistics at Tchibo “Sustainable in many places”


One of our goals is to design more climate-friendly transport processes . This also includes reducing our emissions. The approaches to more sustainable logistics are diverse and range from sea freight to truck transport. Find out more in the interview with Sina from our logistics department.

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Harvesting the Future - Collaborative cotton project India


Tchibo is participating in the multi-stakeholder collaborative project “Harvesting the Future - Cotton in India” to improve working and living conditions of cotton farmers and workers in Madhya Pradesh, under the coordination and technical guidance of the Fair Labor Association (FLA).

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People stick together in Hamburg: Our donation day at the Tchibo headquarters


From a panel discussion to a donation competition in which employees donate and Tchibo doubles the amount donated! A successful donation day is behind us - together with our partners Hamburger Tafel and Hanseatic Help. Find out more in the Tchibo blog!

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For sustainable and fair textile supply chains: Tchibo signs declaration of intent on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles


On behalf of Tchibo, Julia Thimm signed the declaration of intent to "Strengthen local trade unions and local NGOs as legitimate representation of rights holders - Because no single actor can do it alone" on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles.

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Tchibo @ 17th German Sustainability Day


“Supply chain laws and reporting obligations: Helpful or a hindrance for companies?”: On Friday, November 29th, 2024, Johanna von Stechow spoke for Tchibo as part of a panel talk at the congress, part of the 17th German Sustainability Day in Düsseldorf. #DNP17 #DNT17

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ICP Press Release on EUDR


As part of International Coffee Partners (ICP), we like to share the current press release "ICP Welcomes the EU's Decision to Extend EUDR Implementation Timeline but Stresses Continued Need for Support for Smallholder Coffee Farmers".

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Non Food

10 years Partnership for Sustainable Textiles


For 10 years, the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles has been committed to making the textile industry and supply chain more sustainable and to implementing higher social and environmental standards in the textile industry. Tchibo is also part of it! Because: Together, we can achieve more!

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Tchibo @ "Grüne Wiese": Podcast von SAIM - Consulting by UTOPIA"


In the podcast "Grüne Wiese" from SAIM - Consulting by UTOPIA, Pablo speaks for Tchibo about sustainability in companies, fair supply chains, regulatory requirements and challenges that companies face at a global level when implementing environmental and human rights standards.

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Non Food

International Repair Day on October 19th, 2024


For this day, we would like to set an example for sustainability and longevity of products. Together with Bridge&Tunnel, we offer a repair and sewing service for all Tchibo textile products on October 19th 2024, between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m, in the Hamburg Rathausmarkt shop.

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Tchibo @ World Coffee Innovation Summit 2024 | #WCIS24


How innovations and collaboration with farmers can leverage sustainable development in coffee farming: Pablo at the roundtable panel talk "Leveraging Scalable Technology to Deliver Traceability" at World Coffee Innovation Summit, 10/17/2024 in London.
Photo: World Coffee Alliance

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Tchibo @ GIZ Annual Stakeholder Meeting in Berlin


GIZ Annual Stakeholder Meeting in Berlin, 15./16. October 2024: Julia speaking for Tchibo via livestream on a panel announcing the launch of the OECD Handbook on Due Diligence for Enabling Living Incomes and Living Wages.

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Tchibo @ Circular Talks by Fab City Hamburg


Reuse strategies in mail order companies? In episode #04 of the Circular Talks event serial format, Barbara, project manager for logistics and sustainability at Tchibo, spoke about our reusable shipping bags and and industrie-wide standardization options.
Photo: Fab City Hamburg

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Non Food

We asked: Why do we need circular fashion?


We have to completely rethink textile production. With the Implementing Circularity in the Textile Industry (ICTI) alliance initiative, the collections are geared towards sustainability and circularity, from product design to recycling. Cristina and Frederike explain in the video!

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Non Food

With T2T (Textile-to-Textile) on the way to a circular economy


Have you seen it? Our Active collection includes functional shirts and functional pants made with recycled material, including recycled T2T fibers. The goal of T2T: The reuse of textiles or textile waste generated during production to produce new textile products.

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Non Food

World Circular Textiles Day | #WorldCircularTextilesDay #WCTD


Today is World Circular Textiles Day! Our goal is also to move from linear products to circular production, to close the loop through the use of recycling and to develop recyclable products in order to reduce the environmental impact of the textile industry.

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Happy International Coffee Day!


We love coffee and have done so for 75 years. For us as a family business, really good coffee not only means highest level of enjoyment and quality, but also responsibility. It starts right from the beginning, with coffee cultivation considering the well-being of people and the environment.

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“Santa Bárbara” from Guatemala, the first great rarity from our coffee program


Already tried it? Our new rarity “Santa Bárbara” is now available, the first big rarity from our coffee program! Tchibo is currently supporting 2,600 coffee farmers in Guatemala, and 3,400 farmers will be involved in the follow-up project.

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75 years Tchibo


It all began in 1949 in Hamburg's Speicherstadt, and today we are celebrating our 75th anniversary. Since 2006, sustainability has been an integral part of our business strategy, the Tchibo DNA and our code of conduct. As a family business, it is important to us to take responsibility.

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Johanna von Stechow on a delegation trip to Pakistan with Development Minister Svenja Schulze


Johanna von Stechow accompanied Svenja Schulze, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, on her trip to Pakistan. Key topics of the trip: Sustainable and fair supply chains as well as the implementation of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act in the textile industry.

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Launch “c&c toolbox” – Digital platform by Coffee & Climate


Tchibo is founding member of Coffee & Climate who addresses the adaptation of coffee farming to changing climatic conditions. So we are happy to share the news about “c&c toolbox” launch – a digital platform to access top-notch climate-smart practices worldwide.

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Tchibo @ 12MIN.ME: Coffee to stay!


Coffee has a future! At the 12MIN.ME event, organized by Kühne Logistics University, Pablo von Waldenfels spoke for Tchibo about our farmer centric support programs, co-creation and technology for more resilience to external shocks in coffee cultivation.

Non Food

The CN3 series - our "proof point" for longevity among Tchibo furniture


How can we keep our products in their product life cycle for as long as possible? Timeless design, adaptability and modularity as well as a stable construction - factors for a long service life.

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Non Food

Pratibha: How a farm project supports the cultivation of sustainable cotton


By using cotton from “Cotton in Conversion” projects in our products, we support the switch from conventional to more sustainable cotton cultivation by increasing the incentives for farmers and reducing the financial risks.

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Blog series: Tchibo coffee program


From 2027 we plan to offer only responsibly sourced coffees. What does that mean? In our blog series about the Tchibo coffee country program, we report on future coffee cultivation, our approach in the coffee-growing countries, project examples, obstacles and successes. Here it starts!

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Tchibo coffee mobile at Christopher Street Day in Hamburg


This Saturday, there was CSD in Hamburg! With our coffee mobile we served our rainbow coffee and of course many other coffee specialties - from espresso to flat white to espresso martini & coffizz (caffeine water with lemon-mint flavor). 🌈 ☀ ☕ Let's celebrate!

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EarthOvershootDay: Circularity as a solution?


Today is EarthOvershootDay! The earth's natural resources, which can be regenerated within a year, have been used up. One solution could be circular economy, which has been an important topic in our sustainability commitment for years.


Tchibo "Regenbogen Kaffee" (translated: Rainbow Coffee)


Just in time for Hamburg Pride Week: Tchibo Rainbow Coffee, available in all German Tchibo shops. Because Hamburg is showing its colors – for diversity and variety. So Tchibo does, too! For every pack of rainbow coffee sold, 50 cents go to the Magnus Hirschfeld Center.

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Happy Pride Week


Pride Week starts in Hamburg on July 27th, 2024 - exactly one week before it's Christopher Street Day (CSD). Tchibo is there! With a colorful program - organized by BEans United, a working group made up of employees that is committed to issues relating to equal rights and diversity.


Podcast: Junior farmers in the Tanzania Coffee Clubs


This episode goes to Tanzania and the sustainability project “Tanzania Coffee Clubs”. Here, young farmers learn sustainable coffee cultivation in addition to normal school subjects as part of a school group. Karina Schneider and Aida Guerreiro Brito talk about the project and the school coffee.

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Our school coffee, the rarity special edition “Kahawa Skuli” from Tanzania is back


For the second time there is the edition from the "Tanzania Coffee Clubs": In the project, young farmers learn the necessary specialist knowledge at school for environmentally friendly and productive coffee cultivation. The project is implemented in the Mbeya and Mbozi regions of Tanzania.

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Tchibo Sustainability Report 2022/23


In a world full of uncertainty, we as a company are setting an example - for the people in our supply chains, our employees and customers. What have we achieved in the last few years and what are we planning to do? The Tchibo sustainability report answers this for you.

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Podcast: 100% coffee from responsible purchasing – how is that supposed to work?


From 2027, ALL Tchibo coffees will come from responsible purchasing. How is that supposed to work? In the new podcast episode, our guest Andrea Gerhard and Pablo von Waldenfels sort through the facts - from climate change to certifications to minimum income.

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Tchibo @ World of Coffee on 29.06.2024 in Copenhagen


On Saturday, June 29, 2024, Reena Eddiks was at the World of Coffee in Copenhagen for Tchibo, where, among other things, she was part of a panel of the International Coffee Organization. The topic: Sustainability Mapping.

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Tchibo has also signed individual agreement with IndustriAll to support collective bargaining agreements in Cambodia


For the first time, we have made legally binding purchasing practices commitments to enable higher wages and sound industrial relations in the garment and textile industry. We were supported in this by the ACT (Action, Collaboration, Transformation) initiative.

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1 year reusable shipping bag


Last year, in June 2023, we introduced the reusable shipping bag as part of a pilot test. The bags have been in use for a year - with success! We were able to send over 70,000 orders to our customers. Read here what happens next!

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Clean Up Challenge with management board


Together with the organizationOclean, around 50 Tchibo employees, also including management board, collected garbage in the City Nord and in the Stadtpark on June 18, 2024 as part of our Tchibo Sustainability Week. The result: 134.8 kg of waste collected.

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Podcast: Tchibo & Secondhand


The Tchibo Share rental platform is history, now things continue with the Sellpy sales platform for used clothing. Kristina, an expert in circulation models at Tchibo, reports on the experiences in the Tchibo podcast “5 cups a day” and gives an outlook on what will happen next.

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EUDR-Statement by ICP (International Coffee Partners)


We are part of ICP (International Coffee Partners). Together and consistently, we are committed to a fair and sustainable coffee sector in all coffee producing countries. Read ICP’s statement on EUDR here:

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The Tchibo Coffee Report 2024 is here!


Variety enriches. And variety is also the keyword of the new coffee report, which is being published for the 13th time this year. Again, there are amazing facts to discover - also about coffee and sustainability. For example: "Have you ever reused coffee grounds or beans?"

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Tchibo @ re:publica24 on 05/28/2024 in Berlin


Visions for the agricultural transition or business as usual? On May 28, 2024, Pablo von Waldenfels was at re:publica in Berlin for Tchibo. Under the motto #WhoCares, the dialogue is about human rights and corporate responsibility along agricultural supply chains.
Photo: ECCHR

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Diversity Day 2024


Tchibo is celebrating the 12th German Diversity Day! With raised rainbow flags and a colorful program - organized by BEans United, a working group made up of employees from a wide range of departments that is dedicated to topics related to diversity and variety.


Tchibo @ Energy and Environment Summit on 16/17 May 2024 in Berlin


Kristina and Sina were at the Energy and Environment Summit for Tchibo. Her presentation "Together we can do this: Tchibo's perspective on ecological and social challenges" showed our progress in our sector initiatives WE, ZEMBA and Reusable and how you can still be part of them.

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Non Food

Circular Collection


At a meet-up with employees from OTTO, Otto Group, bonprix and Tchibo, everything revolved around circular fashion. The goal: Learning from each other for a circular future in the fashion industry, in which the circular economy is taken into account throughout the entire product life cycle.

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Successful Completion of ZEMBA's Inaugural Tender


Hapag-Lloyd wins tender for zero-emission shipping services. With the successful tender, we show that corporate cooperation can provide an important impetus for a sustainable future. We are strengthening our ambitions with further rounds of tenders and are hoping for the offer from e-fuels.

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Non Food

Tchibo expands range on second-hand platform Sellpy


Tchibo is expanding its range on the Swedish second-hand platform Sellpy after a successful test run. In addition to items from the discontinued rental service for children's products (Tchibo Share), we now also offer selected returns that can no longer be sold as new goods.

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Lean and Green 2nd Star: Tchibo receives award for CO2 savings in logistics


We are pleased about the second award for our efforts to save CO2 in Tchibo logistics processes. Back in 2019, Tchibo received the Lean and Green 1st Star for its CO2 reduction of 23 percent at the time. From 2020 to 2022, we reduced greenhouse gases by an additional 17 percent.

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Repair and replace: spare parts for Esperto fully automatic machines


Repair service, video inspection and spare parts ordering – we are already doing a lot to give our products a long life. Also with our fully automatic machines! From now on we also sell various spare parts for the fully automatic machine individually in our Tchibo webshop.

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Tchibo signs the Diversity Charter


For more diversity in our working world: On Monday, Erik Hofstädter, CEO, signed the Diversity Charter in front of many enthusiastic witnesses.


What does the EU deforestation regulation mean for our coffee?


We at Tchibo are currently often asked how we feel about the European Deforestation Regulation (EUDR). Time to get some perspective on our coffee supply chain. Read about it from Pablo von Waldenfels in our Tchibo blog.

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From 2027, all Tchibo coffees will come from responsible sourcing


From 2027 all Tchibo coffees should come from responsible sourcing. In this way, we would like to assume our responsibility in accordance with our share in the global coffee trade and cultivation.

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International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Sector


The goal is clear, the common path must be renegotiated again and again: Many companies - like Tchibo - are making a permanent commitment to further increase safety in their production facilities. Find out more in our Tchibo blog!

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Tchibo launches with ZEMBA tender for emission-free shipping transport


The tender with over 20 other brands is run by the organization ZEMBA (Zero Emission Maritime Buyers Alliance), that was founded in March 2023 by Tchibo, Amazon, Patagonia and the Aspen Institute. The aim is to accelerate the introduction of emission-free transport solutions.

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Podcast: Journey into the world of tomorrow: Sustainable utopia 2045


This two-part podcast is about real utopias, images of the future in 2045 and the change towards a sustainable society: How we have to change as a society, which courageous pioneers are already on the path to change and, most importantly, whether there will still be coffee in 22 years!

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Podcast: 15 years of our WE program


Bravely move forward for human rights! Since 2008, the WE program has been supporting people in factories to recognize their own rights and stand up for them. The program is now opening its doors to other companies. Listen to the new podcast episode on the occasion of the 15th anniversary!

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Podcast: Coffee knowledge to go: Endangered coffee plants - how the climate affects coffee


Climate change is also affecting the coffee plant. So what can we do to save the seeds of our favorite drink? How exactly are climate change and disease threatening some major growing areas? The current podcast episode explains this and more!

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Innovation - more sustainably packaged!


Tchibo has developed a sustainable packaging solution for coffee: The coffee aroma is protected, while at the same time packaging is more environmentally friendly. The films are certified as "good for recycling" and can now be disposed of via the yellow garbage can.

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Tchibo is founding Zero Emission Maritime Buyers Alliance (ZEMBA)


Together with Amazon, Patagonia and the Aspen Institute, Tchibo is founding the Zero Emission Maritime Buyers Alliance (ZEMBA). We have the common goal of accelerating the commercial use of emission-free sea freight.

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Podcast: Are women conquering the coffee business?


For International Women's Day, "Coffee Knowledge to Go" tells about the diverse and female-occupied positions in the coffee sector. Indre as a sommelier, Saskia as a roasting master and Theda as a coffee buyer give insights into their everyday work with coffee beans.

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Tchibo commits to Pakistan Accord


The Pakistan Accord is a legally binding agreement between global unions, international apparel brands and retailers to make textile factories safer. Tchibo has signed the new agreement.

*Sample photo from Indian textile factory c/ Neeltje Kleijn

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Deposit system for reusable cups


Now, coffee and tea in our Tchibo shops can also be enjoyed sustainably on the go with our reusable deposit system. For one euro deposit, customers receive a reusable cup made of recyclable material that they can refill and return to any Tchibo shop.

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COP 27


Sina Schoenlein was at this year's climate summit in Sharm el-Sheikh on behalf of Tchibo and our logistics division. Together with other fellow campaigners, she talked about how ship loaders can reduce their CO2 consumption to a large extent with the coZEV initiative.

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Podcast: Let's save the minks!


In the new podcast episode we take on fur! This time it's not just about listening, but also about taking part. In cooperation with the animal welfare organisation Vier Pfoten (Four Paws) we want to raise one million signatures for a European fur farming ban!

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Foundation of Coffee breeding network


The World Coffee Research (WCR) is focusing on the challenges of the climate crisis for the coffee world. In an interview with Pablo von Waldenfelds (Tchibo) and Hanna Neuschwader (WCR), we talked about the research for innovative and pragmatic solutions for sustainable coffee cultivation.

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Podcast: Circular Solutions Lab


We visit our flagship store at Hamburg's Rathausmarkt! The new podcast episode is about unpacked coffee, the new reusable cup system at Tchibo and Tchibo's Circular Solutions Lab - where new circular solutions are developed and tested.

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Launch of the first work accident insurance in Bangladesh


As part of a pilot project, the government of Bangladesh has established a work accident insurance in cooperation with various organizations, embassies and international brands, including Tchibo. In an interview, Fatima Chowdhury provides exciting insights on the background of this initiative.

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Community-event in August


Sustainability is our topic in August! This month, members of the Tchibo community have the opportunity to learn more about our commitment and initiatives, ask the sustainability team their questions and share best practices with other community members.

©Felix Mittermeier from pexels

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Limite offer: Coffee from Costa Rica


Our new Limited Private Coffee takes us to the west of Costa Rica, which offers excellent conditions for coffee cultivation and is known worldwide for highest coffee quality. The coffee for Costa Rica Limited comes exclusively from certified sustainable cultivation.

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Manuals on Facilitation and Conflict Management


From 2017 to 2020, GIZ and Tchibo joined forces to improve working conditions through the Social Dialogue Project in Myanmar – with the goal to establish effective dialogue at the workplace. The situation in Myanmar has changed fundamentally, but interesting manuals emerged from the project.

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Tchibo Human Rights Report 2021 (Non Food)


As a family-owned business, people are at the center of Tchibo's activities. That is why we stand up for Human Rights. They are non-negotiable and must always be respected. In the Human Rights Report 2021 (Non Food), we report on our goals, activities and challenges.

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Now online: Tchibo Sustainability Report 2021


Along the GRI standards, we report on our goals for the coming years, on measures, activities and cooperations, reflect on our progress and describe challenges we face in the area of sustainability.

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Non Food

Panel Discussion "Taking Action" at the Greenstyle x Neonyt Lab Frankfurt


Join in when Axel Schröder (Team Human Rights) discusses sustainable opportunities we have as a large company at the GREENSTYLE x Neonyt Lab on June 26 at 1pm in Frankfurt. A conversation about difficulties, successes and the importance of "doing instead of talking".

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Enjoy fair


Behind every cup of our BARISTA Fairtrade coffee are the people who harvested and processed it. Thus, we are very happy that last year, all those who enjoyed our BARISTA coffee generated a Fairtrade premium of almost 2 million US-Dollar for community projects in our coffee-growing countries.

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Non Food

Material Change Index 2021: Tchibo is again a Leading Performance Brand


Tchibo was again rated above average for all materials (except leather) in Textile Exchange's annual comparative study and ranked as a Leading Performance Brand, classifying us as a company that is pioneering the transformation of the textile industry.

© Liza Summer from pexels

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New Qbo Premium Coffee from the Coopfam cooperative from Brazil


We are pleased to present our new Fairtrade certified Qbo coffee from the Coopfam cooperative in Brazil. In addition to growing coffee, the farming community enables valuable social, economic, and environmental projects. We have been supporting them in this endeavor since 2014.

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Podcast: Tchibo & Faitrade – Fun or factual stories?


Fairtrade founder Dieter Overath and Nanda Bergstein, Director of Corporate Responsibility, have influenced the shift to more sustainable business practices. Both are now leaving their jobs. So we caught them for one last joint talk about child labor, conflict and courageous people.

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Panel Discussion: „Change Fashion – Change Politics“


Axel Schröder (Team Human Rights) will discuss the conditions of a fair textile industry on April 21 at 4 p.m. during the Fashion Revolution Week. Join the panel discussion to learn how far the due diligence of companies already extends today and where the legislator has to make improvements.

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Non Food

Podcast: It’s all about (organic) cotton, baby.


In this podcast episode, everything revolves around organic cotton. We talk to Sustainability Manager Dr. Katharina Heye and Rapha Breyer from Fairtrade about beetle removal by hand and the Chetna joint project, which helps farmers transition from conventional to organic cotton (in German).

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WE programme in the UN Global Compact's Business & Human Rights Navigator


Our WE human rights program now serves as an example of good practice in the area of freedom of association for the Business & Human Rights Navigator. The new online portal provides information on the implementation of due diligence in supply chains and thus also the Supply Chain Act.

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Podcast: How does fashion finally become fair and environmentally friendly?


Fashion is supposed to make us happy. But the reality along the supply chain looks different. It reveals destruction, poisoning and human suffering. In the Planetary Business Podcast, Nanda Bergstein, Director of Corporate Responsibility, explains how we can reinvent the system (in German).

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ILO Convention 190 to end violence & harassment in the workplace


Around 500 million working-age women live in countries without legal protection against violence and harassment in the workplace. Today, on International Women's Day, we call on the German government, together with 31 other members of the Textile Alliance, to ratify ILO Convention 190.

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Non Food

Recycled cotton - opportunities and challenges


Recycled cotton saves resources and protects the environment compared to virgin fiber. As we launch our first collection with several recycled cotton products, fiber expert Cristina Graack explains how the recycling process works, where the limits are and what we still want to achieve (in German).

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How does fair trade succeed?


Nanda Bergstein, Director of Corporate Responsibility, was a guest in the interview series "Sarah will's wissen - Fairness im Unternehmen auf der Spur". Read more about what has happened in our commitment to fair trade since 2005 and why companies need new business models (in German).

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Listen to the panel discussion on the Green Button


Axel Schröder (Team Human Rights) spoke at Neonyt in Frankfurt as part of a panel discussion about the government seal Green Button, corporate due diligence and supply chains of the future. Check out the recording (in Geman)!

© Neonyt / Dita Vollmond

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Watch now: Panel on sustainable clothing (in German)


How are socio-ecological criteria as required by the new Supply Chain Act implemented in the production of clothing? This was one of the questions discussed by Axel Schröder (Team Human Rights) at the panel on sustainable clothing at the Fair Fashion Week.

© cottonbro from Pexels

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Non Food

Behind the scenes: Our organic cotton project in India


In a pilot project, we support farmers in India with sustainable cotton cultivation. But how does the shift to organic cotton work? Find out about the preparation of organic fertilizer and the sowing of Fairtrade organic cotton (in German).

© Fairtrade / Ranita Roy / Fairpicture

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Green Button - preliminary conclusion and outlook 


On January 19, Axel Schröder (Team Human Rights) will discuss corporate due diligence and supply chains of the future within a panel discussion at Neonyt in Frankfurt starting at 12 pm. Join the livestream (registration required)!

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1st place: We are delighted to receive the F.A.Z. "Excellent Sustainability 2021" award


The F.A.Z. study "Excellent Sustainability 2021" evaluated more than 21,000 companies in terms of their sustainability reputation. The companies are analyzed comprehensively in the areas of ecological, social and economic sustainability. We are among the award winners!

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Green electricity from people for people


A climate-positive life and "electricity with a face"? We want to support that! Therefore, together with our partner enyway, we offer our customers the possibility to purchase green electricity directly from private electricity producers, if they wish even from their region.

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Switching to zero-emission cargo ships by 2040


By joining the Cargo Owners for Zero Emission Vessels (coZEV) platform, our products will become a little more sustainable. Thereby, we pledged to use only zero-emission ships to transport our products by 2040.



Neuer Premiumkaffee aus Kenia


With Rarity No.5, we travel to Kenya, to Kirinyaga County to be precise. The coffee for our limited edition is certified sustainably grown and comes exclusively from farms that bear the Rainforest Alliance Certified™ seal.


Human rights - a global issue


A good start for a more respectful interaction with each other! That's how the Green Actors Lounge can be summed up, where the film industry, activists and representatives of Tchibo discussed discrimination, globalization and sustainability last week.

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Tchibo X Green Actors Lounge


We're bringing sustainability and the acting industry together! Join us live on Instagram on September 22, as we discuss sustainable lifestyle, green film production as well as fair coexistence with many green celebrities like Andrea Gerhard, Barbara Meier and Iris Berben.

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The supply chain law in practice


How can the Supply Chain Act be implemented with real impact for people and the environment? For many companies, this is an as-yet unsolved challenge. At the SAP Executive Procurement Roundtable, Nanda Bergstein, Director of Corporate Responsibility, talks about possible solutions.


Sustainable business - how does it work?


Following the success of previous years, the PLAN W Congress is starting its third round: We are delighted that Nanda Bergstein, our Director of Corporate Responsibility, will be discussing with inspiring panel guests to talk about reconciling growth and sustainability and many other topics.


Podcast: In conversation with Revolverheld singer Johannes Strate


In the new podcast episode we talk to Revolverheld singer Johannes Strate about growing up in an ecologically minded household in Bremen and his fight as a WWF ambassador against the plastic flood.

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Webinar Sustainability, Regulatory and Reality


Nanda Bergstein, Tchibo's Director of Corporate Responsibility talked about sustainability in the supply chain and RMA Risk Management & Rating Association in this webinar. The topic will be legal requirements and voluntarily implemented sustainability in the supply chain.


Tchibo signs Accord


Good news! Negotiations between trade unions and international fashion companies have led – just in time – to a new and more comprehensive agreement to secure the protection of workers in textile factories. This is a major success for us as an industry.

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Is Sustainable Consumption possible?


Are global consumption and sustainable development compatible? In "Zeitfragen des Jahrhunderts," Nanda Bergstein, Director of Corporate Responsibility discusses with Development Minister Müller and Lisi Maier of the German Council for Sustainable Development.

Copyright: Phil Dera

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Diversity Days: Tchibo goes colorful


More than 7,000 people work at Tchibo and their diversity enriches us as a company. Simultaneously, we are at the beginning of a journey in which we are continuously reflecting on ourselves. That's why Tchibo organized the "Diversity Days," during which we took a self-critical look at the topic.

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Personal insights into our WE programme


With the WE programme, we have been working to improve working conditions in our supply chains for over 10 years. In this brochure, participants share their experiences, successes and challenges with this inclusive approach.

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Qbo - colombian fair trade coffee


The new harvest for our Qbo coffee is here. We are proud of our close relationship with the Fabicoop cooperative, which grows the coffee in the Andes. The young cooperative is not only Fairtrade certified, it uses traditional knowledge and adds modern, environmentally friendly methods to it.

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Myanmar - our responsibility for textile producers


Since the military coup in Myanmar on February 1, 2021, widespread protests and clashes have moved the country. We are challenged to be particularly considerate with our responsibility and to ensure physical and financial security for the workers of the manufacturers.

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Our expectations for COP26


Nanda Bergstein talks about her expectations for the COP26: Protecting the climate will determine the survival of future generations on earth. We must therefore make fundamental decisions today at the global level that will preserve a world worth living in for future generations.

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Non Food

Reduce, reuse, recycle


Since April 2020, we have largely eliminated plastic in our packaging. However, true to the motto reduce, reuse, recycle, our packaging developers have come up with a second use. For example, this is how the excavator packaging becomes a house after it has been unpacked.

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Non Food

Pilot project for organic cotton from India


To support and promote the cultivation of organic cotton, Tchibo, together with Dibella, Fairtrade Germany and the German Society for International Cooperation, is launching a pilot project in India with over 500 cotton producers.

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Non Food

International pioneer in sustainability?!


The annual comparative study by Textile Exchange Corporate Fiber and Materials Benchmark Program once again rated Tchibo as above average in all materials (except leather) and classified us as a company that is pioneering the transformation of the textile industry.

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Do higher coffee prices improve the living conditions of farmers?


An interview with Andreas Christmann, Director Sourcing and Nanda Bergstein, Tchibo Director Corporate Responsibility, about improving the living and working conditions of coffee farmers and the influence of coffee prices.

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Tchibo supports legally binding agreement


The Accord is coming to an end, but for us it is clear that the work will continue. We want to build on the existing partnerships, because they have made the Accord successful. We also support a legally binding agreement. More about our position here.

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Creating sustainable supply chains


Julia Thimm, Head of Human Rights at Tchibo, is a guest on the podcast MASTERS OF CHANGE. A conversation about sustainable supply chains and dialogue as a way to uncover and address social grievances inequalities.

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„Hamburg rockt’s zusammen“ on the 17th of June!


"Hamburg packt's zusammen!" started one year ago. Since then, 42,000 bags with material donations have been distributed to those affected by the Corona Pandemic. Now the network is organizing a charity concert themed "Hamburg rocks it together". Click here to watch the recording!

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Happy Birthday, International Coffee Partners!


International Coffee Partners celebrates its 20 years anniversary. Their vision to improve the livelihoods of coffee farming families has become more relevant than ever. For their digital celebration, they host a panel discussion on Tuesday, June 15th at 10 am.

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Non Food

Recycling, Upcycling & Plantbased Colours


Tchibo trend expert Philine Staemmler and sustainability manager Cristina Graack talk about lace lingerie with recycled material, shirts made from compostable cotton waste yarn, plantbased colouring and many other topics related to sustainability and innovation.

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Tchibo Human Rights Report 2020 (Non Food)


We stand up for Human Rights. They are non-negotiable and must always be respected. In our Human Rights Report 2020 (Non Food), we provide information about our goals, activities and challenges. The report will be available in English by the end of June.

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Tchibo Sustainability Report 2020 is online!


In line with the GRI standards, we report on current goals, activities and cooperations, reflect on our achievements and highlight the challenges we face in the area of sustainability. The report will be available in English by the end of June.

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Ranga & Nanda talking about monsoon coffee and global fairness


Nanda Bergstein - Director of Corporate Responsibility at Tchibo - and the well-known science journalist - Ranga Yogeshwar - talk about the meaning of business, cultural transformation processes and the need for global fairness.

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Making a difference with water stewardship


Water pollution, water shortage and flooding are existing challenges at our manufactories. As a partner of WWF's Water Stewardship program, we take responsibility for decreasing these risks.

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For more diversity in the fashion industry!


To achieve this, Fashion Changers has published a free e-book on diversity in fashion and media companies. The book provides recommendations for action and most importantly: it gathers important voices from the fashion industry on the representation of gender, body and BIPoC.

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Webinar: Audits, Trainings and Code of Conduct


In a webinar hosted by WeShyft on May 05, at 12:30 p.m., Julia Thimm, Head of Human Rights at Tchibo, will talk about key measures for a sustainable supply chain.

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Enjoy the new Tchibo teas!


Experience TEA by Tchibo with its colourful designs and special taste. In addition to the well-known quality of Tchibo, the tea bags are packaged as sustainable as possible and 4 of 5 varieties are certified organic.

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Online Discussion: Coffee and sustainability


On April 21 at 7:30 p.m., Nanda Bergstein, Tchibo’s director of Corporate Responsibility, will talk about sustainability in the coffee business. The online discussion is hosted by GRÜNE Hamburg-Nord.

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Online Discussion: 8 years of Rana Plaza - has anything really changed?


On April 23, at 11 a.m., Julia Thimm, Tchibo's Head of Human Rights, joins other companies to talk about what has been achieved and what is still needed for safe factories for garment workers. The discussion will take place live on Facebook and is hosted by IndustriALL. #GarmentWorkersNeedUnions #IMadeYourClothes #RPNeverAgain

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Ensuring human rights in supply chains, is that possible?


On April 20, at 10 a.m., Julia Thimm, Tchibo's Head of Human Rights, will speak about our human rights program. The talk will take place as part of an event organized by the Austrian National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines.

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Tchibo Podcast: Tesla vs. Swapfiets – everything about the new electric-vehicle-bike-subscription mobility


Andre Illmer, Swapfiets Germany CEO, Alexander Kaiser, co-CEO of "Like to drive" - and the man at Tchibo who always sets up the sustainable collaborations: Rob Pauly, talk about sustainable mobility.

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Non Food

Tchibo Podcast: Greenstyle – the revolution of fashion is now!


E-Commerce is booming. Online Shopping versus lockdown frustration. Can this be sustainable? We talk to Mirjam Smend - blogger, speaker and founder of the Greenstyle fair fashion fair in Munich, and to Tchibo sustainability manager and fashion expert Sabrina Müller.

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Coffee packaging - can it be a little more sustainable?


How can coffee packaging be more sustainable? And still maintain the protective functions? Insights into the Tchibo sustainability lab and a conversation about opportunities and current obstacles.

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2x fair & 2x delicious


From March 8 and as long as the stock lasts, you'll get a free Ritter Sport cocoa class bar with your Tchibo BARISTA.

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Tchibo Position on the Military Coup in Myanmar


Responsible business requires an environment where human rights are respected. Therefore, we urge the full and immediate restoration of democratic rights and institutions in Myanmar.

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Tchibo Podcast: Truemorrow - An initiative for more transparency in the coffee sector


How environmentally friendly and socially responsible is coffee cultivation on coffee farms? Tchibo sustainability manager Tianne Groeneveld and Mike Spandern of Rainforest Alliance talk about the new initiative - Truemorrow. And coffee sommelier Benjamin takes us on the journey of coffee from its origins to the port of Hamburg.

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Event recommendation for Feb. 25!


A digital event on the struggle for Labor and Human Rights in Global Value Chains, organized by Friedrich Ebert Foundation. On Feb. 25, from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., previous measures, the status quo and future strategies will be discussed - Julia Thimm, Tchibo's Head of Human Rights, will be part of the interesting event.

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Non Food

From a snowsuit to a gym bag - turn old into new!


Another great project with our cooperation partner Bridge & Tunnel. Lovely gym bags were sewn from Tchibo Share remnants and production waste and handed over to the Tafel Wilhelmsburg. As soon as schools open again, a third class in Georgswerder will be equipped with them.

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TchiboCard Community Festival!

The first Tchibo Digital Festival starts on February 15. Tchibo employees will provide tips and tricks about coffee, DIY and sustainability. You have the opportunity to ask questions and exchange your ideas with others. Feel free to join!

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Agreement on Supply Chain Law


We are pleased that the months of working for a Supply Chain Law have finally led to a positive outcome. The Supply Chain Law is an important first step toward greater obligingness along the entire supply chain.

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Support for the people of Honduras

At the end of 2020, hurricanes Eta and Iota caused terrible damage in Honduras, an important coffee farming country. Tchibo contacted the local coffee farmers and coffee partners and helped immediately: employees donated to the German Red Cross (DRK) and Tchibo doubled the amount. Additional financial support from Tchibo to the coffee farming region not only alleviates the worst circumstances, but also reestablishes the conditions for coffee cultivation.

Guatemala: Selling bracelets as a chance for a new life

In 2020, we designed and sold our own bracelet collection in collaboration with the women from our #WECARE program. The additional income helped the women to develop their own business idea. For example, Juliana opened a grocery store and Vidalia invested in a sewing machine with the aim of selling clothes she sewed herself.

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Tchibo Podcast: Sustainable cleaning and sports during lockdown

Listen to an interesting talk between Tchibo product manager, Martin Habenicht, Everdrop founder, David Löwe, and fitness expert, Prof. Dr. Ingo Froböse, about the topics of sustainable cleaning and sports during lockdown.
Note: The podcast is in German

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Tchibo at „Europe 2021“ on the 4th of Feb.

The “Tagesspiegel”, “DIE ZEIT”, the „Handelsblatt“ and the „WirtschaftsWoche“ host the event called „Europe 2021“. Personalities from politics, business and science will discuss Europe's challenges and goals in 2021, including Nanda Bergstein, Tchibo's Director of Corporate Responsibility, who will take part in the discussion on "Sustainable Supply Chain Management" on the 4th of February at 2 pm.
Register and listen for free!

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Tchibo Live on the 27th of Jan. – Insights about Tchibo coffee beans

Learn more about your daily cup of coffee. At Tchibo Live coffee experts discuss insights about our coffee beans. How sustainable is the production of coffee? And what is the current situation regarding farmers' wages?
The second round of Tchibo Live starts on Wednesday the 27th of January at 7pm.
Be part of the discussion and ask your questions in the chat.

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100% Rainforest-Alliance-certified: The first rarity of the year "Ipanema Arara"

The Rarity No.1 takes us to the farm Ipanema Coffee in Brazil. At this beautiful place, the new variant "Arara" has been harvested for the first time.
Best of all: The coffee is 100% Rainforest-Alliance-certified.

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A Platform for more exchange and cooperation in the coffee sector

In order to advance sustainability in the coffee sector, cooperation and dialogue are essential. A new platform of the European Coffee Federation (ECF) aims to promote collaboration by making the different stakeholders' positions and roles in sustainability transparent. Tchibo was part of the working group that launched the new platform.

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Supply Chain Law: what is important now!

Tchibo publishes a position paper “Due Diligence in Supply Chains: what is important now” and highlights how such a law could be designed to be practical, however still ambitious.

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Tchibo Podcast Special about the Supply Chain Law

We spoke with Federal Minister Dr. Müller about fighting for the Supply Chain Law, the (relatively) new seal for sustainable textiles, the Green Button and the importance of good communication.

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Non Food
Tchibo Podcast: No more renting

Tchibo Share and kilenda ended their services. The second-hand rental plattform could not reach the critical mass of customers. Sarah Herms, project manager of Tchibo Share and Hendrik Scheuschner, manager of kilenda, discuss further reasons behind the decision to end the servoce in our Tchibo Podcast Five Cups Daily.

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Tchibo advocates for animal welfare

With the new Animal Welfare Policy, Tchibo sets an example for animal rights. Tchibo rejects breeding, keeping, slaughter, transport and production conditions that are degrading to animals, and is committed to ensuring that animals are treated ethically and appropriately in our supply chains.
At the same time, Tchibo is working to increasingly use alternative materials of non-animal origin and to expand the range of vegan plant-based or synthetic products.

Foto: @samdc

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Industry Disruptor: Tchibo challenges Start-Ups to rethink sustainable consumption

Industry Disruptor is a unique incubator and mentorship programme for a more sustainable and equitable fashion industry. Women-led Start-Ups have the chance to pitch their solutions for different challenges to increase the awareness of sustainability and fairness in the fashion industry.

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Tchibo advocates Supply Chain Act in discussion with broadcaster SWR

Policies against exploitation - Does Germany need a Supply Chain Act? Tchibo says yes! Thus, Julia Thimm from Tchibo's Corporate Responsibility department discusses with Johanna Kusch from the Initiative Supply Chain Act and Anna Launenroth from The Federation of German Industries the impact of the Supply Chain Act on Human Rights in sourcing countries.

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Tchibo supports workers to combat Covid-19 in Bangladesh

Tchibo will integrate textile factories from the WE-programme in Bangladesh into a capacity-building program to help garment workers to stay safe during the Covid-19 pandemic. Through the initiative, workers will learn about social distancing, handwashing, and other measures to reduce the risk of spreading or contracting the virus.

Truemorrow - Know more, change more

To better shape change, we need to know more about conditions on the ground! Hence, we published the sustainability initiative called Truemorrow. Based on independent examinations, we make our coffee FOR BLACK 'N WHITE as transparent as never. For the people, nature, and each of us.

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Community votes the team #sexyseconds first at the Climathon Germany 2020

The team #sexyseconds officially scored second from a total of 44 participants. The community of the Impact Hub even voted them first. The #sexyseconds developed a sustainable business model für Tchibo's challenge "Belly says yes, Head as well: How can Second-Hand apparel be sexy and suitable for the mass?!".

Tchibo and the global trade union federation IndustriALL Global Union strengthen their longstanding partnership

The concurrent pandemic is an unprecedented challenge for humans worldwide. The pandemic endangers the lives of many directly, but also the economic consequences put many humans, especially from our sourcing countries, in danger.
Hence, we work with the International Labor Organisation (ILO), more than 130 enterprises, organizations - as IndustriALL - since april 2020 at the so-called Call to Action to mitigate devastating consequences. We focus on securing wages and establishing longterm social security systems in the sourcing countries.

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International Coffee Partners provides emergency relief fund for smallholder families after hurricanes

As a response to the devastating effects of Hurricanes Eta and Iota in Honduras and Guatemala, International Coffee Partners (ICP) makes an emergency relief fund available. ICP shareholders Delta Cafés, Franck, Joh. Johannson, Lavazza, Löfbergs, Neumann Gruppe, Paulig and Tchibo will make 40,000 Euro available to support 400 smallholder coffee farmer families with direct food access and restoring damaged infrastructure.

FUTURETALK x Tchibo: How female Gamechanger design our world of tomorrow

2020 is the year of change - COVID-19 and the increasing emphasis on climate change shows us: Today we need new, inspiring, innovative, and creative solutions to create collaboration and change for a more sustainable world.

Therefore, Janine Steeger talks with Nanda Bergstein (Director Corporate Social Responsibility at Tchibo) and Dr. Marcel Richert (Lead Manager Sustainable Brand) about topics as digital transparency in the supply chains, "direct payments" to coffee- and cotton farmers, and satellite data for environmental protection.

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WASH Program in Ethiopia starts

Access to clean water, sanitary facilities and adherence to hygiene standards pose still great challenges in Ethiopia. Thus, within the Organic Bio Coffee WASH-Project, two wells will be constructed accompanied by additional hygiene arrangements. The Goal: To improve access to clean water and to increase awareness about the importance of hygiene of up to 17,000 humans.

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Tchibo participates at the Climathon Germany 2020 with sustainability challenge

The Climathon is a 24-hours challenge to gather ideas about municipal climate innovations. 400 participants worked on 14 different challenges for climate innovation and pitched their ideas in front of a jury.

Tchibo proposed a challenge called "Belly says yes, Head as well: How can Second-Hand apparel be sexy and suitable for the mass?!". Participants working on this challenge pitched different approaches for a sustainable business model.

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Non Food
How a cup of coffee is turned into sportswear

Each cup of coffee produces coffee grounds, which we usually throw away. But this is a huge waste: The grounds can be used for a variety of purposes, including as a fertiliser for plants and as an exfoliant in cosmetics.

And now they can even be turned into clothing! Tchibo sells a range of sportswear and functional clothing made from a combination of PET fibres and coffee grounds!*

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Online discussion on “Fair play in supply chain legislation”

Tchibo participated in the online discussion “Fair play in supply chain legislation” organised by SPD MP Gabi Weber to explain why we need supply chain legislation now to protect human rights. “Together we can achieve more”, says Julia Thimm from our Sustainability team in summary.

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Supply Chain Act: Consultation in German Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid

Tchibo's director of Corporate Responsibility, Nanda Bergstein, argued for governmental regulation in a consultation in the German Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid.

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Bracelets made by female coffee farmers in Guatemala

To support coffee farmers in Guatemala, Tchibo founded the #WECARE programme in partnership with Coffee Care. The program helps farmers to set up their own small crafting business to generate an additional income for themselves. The women create beautifully designed woven bracelets and sell them in coffee shops in Guatemala.
The project has become so successful that, from 29 September 2020, Tchibo will sell the bracelets online and in selected shops in Germany and Austria.

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Galileo TV report on supply chain legislation: “Together we can achieve more”

Regardless of whether you’re buying chocolate or a new T-shirt, a new law will soon come into force requiring all companies to produce their products responsibly. Galileo explains how the new supply chain legislation works and what it means for consumers. Featuring Julia Thimm, Head of Human Rights, who explains why Tchibo is in favour of the new law.

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Non Food
The end of Tchibo Share (and a new beginning)

After almost three years of pioneering work, Tchibo Share – in its current form – will end in mid-December. Although many of our very first customers remained loyal until very recently, we were unable to achieve the critical mass needed to make the business model a success.
The end of Tchibo Share is by no means the end of alternative business models for Tchibo; in fact, the opposite is true. “During the crisis, we saw that topics such as sustainable and considered consumption have increased in relevance. But the question is whether sharing – in its current form – is the right answer”, says Nanda Bergstein.

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Ambitious climate protection goal: We want to halve our CO2 emissions by 2030

By 2030, we want to reduce our CO2 emissions by more than half compared to our 2018 figures – and do our bit to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees. This goal is based on the strict guidelines of the Science Based Targets Initiative from the CDP, UN Global Compact, World Resources Institute and the WWF, which we signed up to in May.

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praxPACK research project: Greater sustainability in the mail order sector

Each year, Germany uses around 800,000 tonnes of mail order packaging made from paper, cardboard or plastic. Mail order retailers Tchibo, Otto and Avocadostore have joined forces to combat the ever-rising volumes of packaging waste. During the three-year praxPACK research project, we’ll be putting reusable mailing bags to the test.
We began to trial RePack mailing bags at the end of August. During this trial period, we will primarily focus on textile orders delivered within Germany, with customers selected randomly. We are also planning to conduct a customer survey in parallel to the trial to explore acceptance of the system and how it could be improved.

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No plastic here

How can you pack T-shirts, pyjamas or trousers for sale without plastic – while still ensuring that they are protected during transport? After dozens of tests and years of research and experimentation, our in-house packaging experts have finally come up with the answer: A pre-assembled cardboard sleeve is folded around the textiles from the bottom, and a further piece of cardboard shaped like a clothes hanger is inserted to stabilise the garment.
The only part of the packaging still made of plastic (recycled, of course!) is the hanging loop that keeps it all together – and even this will be replaced by a recycled paper version by the end of the year. The new and (almost) plastic-free packaging is a world-first and we have already applied for a patent.