Tchibo Joint Forces!® -
strength in unity

In order to fulfil our responsibilities to the people in our supply chains, we have set up projects to support farmers and their families in a number of coffee-growing countries. These projects all fall under the banner of Tchibo Joint Forces!® The aim of the programme is to educate producers about more sustainable farming methods and to help them improve the quality of their coffee. Since 2017, our projects have increasingly included women and children, for example through activities and measures focusing on income support, childcare and preventing child labour.

To date, 20 TJF!® projects have already been launched in nine countries, most of which have already been implemented:

  • Guatemala

    2,600 smallholder farmers
    Content: sustainable cultivation, child protection, education, additional family income

  • Honduras

    2,453 Kleinfarmer*innen
    Content: Child protection, working conditions, second source of income, sustainable cultivation, productivity, infrastructure

  • Colombia

    1,400 smallholder farmers
    Content: sustainable cultivation, increase in yields, environmental protection

  • Brazil

    320 smallholder farmers
    Content: Climate change, sustainable cultivation

  • Ethiopia

    2,200 smallholder farmers
    Content: Access to clean drinking water for rural regions

  • Kenya

    15,000 smallholder farmers
    Content: sustainable cultivation, improvement of infrastructure

  • Tanzania

    14,785 smallholder farmers
    Content: sustainable cultivation, improvement of infrastructure

  • Vietnam

    1,626 smallholder farmers
    Content: sustainable cultivation

  • Papua New Guinea

    3,000 smallholder farmers
    Content: sustainable cultivation

Examples from our TJF® projects



Empowering women and promoting rights



Nurturing the next generation



Promoting sustainable farming



Improving income

Further development of the projects

In order to better understand the needs of local people and their living conditions, we have recruited Tchibo representatives in Central America, Brazil and Vietnam.

This allows us to develop the project content and measures more closely with the coffee farmers and ensure that the projects do not ignore their needs.